Lost In Space ...

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”

Steve Jobs

Friday 3 August 2012

Still Hate My Holidays

Yes, still hate it and fear it just equally the same. It's Friday afternoon and I can slowly start to relax now knowing it's about weekend and noone should call me any more, at least regarding job, of course. At least not before next Monday. I did lots of work and lots of phone calls etc again today so now I can switch it off at least  for another two days.
Ever since last Monday morning, every single day of this week I've been constantly receiving calls from my collegues, our partners and so on... My reaction on Monday was right even thought provoked by stress. It's obvious I need some rest and that's why holidays are for. (But not mine!) However, wonting or not, I had to check that mobile every day. You can fight it as much as you wish but there's no way out, baby. Unless you wave goodbye for good. Which I consider of doing. I can not take it any more. And regarding that mobile phone on my so called holidays it's just like a ticking time bomb for me. Sooner or later I'll explode into pieces. I wish to know how to prevent that but there is no prevention only straight solution which is to quit.
Just remember about my last week before my so called holidays, especially that particular day I was feeling depressed, couldn't make it even to the hairdresser and so on... Now I understand it wasn't me being just depressed or lazy. It was me being completely exhausted and worn out, unabile to function at all. So, there's nothing about being lazy, but a lot about depression coused by stress and over work, and all sorts of things going on in line with all that. Somehow, you complitely lose yourself and let be carried by the neverending wild race, you forget your own self as you have no time left to remember any more. You are like a humster running in one place and you are just spinning around like crazy. And after years of running in that wishes circle you finally collaps and realise it was all nonsense.