Lost In Space ...

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”

Steve Jobs

Sunday 22 July 2012


It’s been for quite some time I think of making some more soap! I’ve been thinking of some juicy soap with summer fruits available at the moment, so I bought me apricots and some blackberries from local farmers on the market yesterday morning. But, then, I got a phone call from a friend who invited me for a late lunch so I went out instead. It was a lovely afternoon & evening and food was delicious! Weather, too. It was cool and cloudy and I could breathe freely without sweating under that terrible summer heat! Even though I come from a sunny and warm Mediterranean island I have to say: I’m sorry but I am not a Summer person at all! Not at all!!! (Not-at-all!)  

I’ve made my very first soap in the afternoon on 03.03.2012. It was a pure experiment that came out just great!!! I was so happy! I thought I would make it just natural without any scents whatsoever, just natural things, pure and simple, if we exclude lye, of course... So I used lemon and rosemary from my mother’s island garden and the smell was like Heaven itself! Unfortunately, after 4 weeks of curing all that Mediterranean perfume evaporated but that beautiful soap was still there, anyway!

Some weeks after my lemon & rosemary soap I made another one: chocolate, strawberry and vanilla!!! That was an adventure, really! Again: no colours, no scents, just pure olive oil (olive oil I use comes from the island, too, and is made by my parents!!!), dark chocolate, fresh strawberries, some vanilla beans...

After that I’ve done some more soaps using apple, ginger, cinnamon, bananas... I’ve been giving my soaps away as gifts to my parents and my nieces and some really close friends of mine. To my surprise they are all so delighted with them! I’m so happy because of that! So, so happy!

From my first (burning!) desire to make soap till the first time of actual making almost entire year has passed in between! First of all I didn’t have anyone to show me how to do it, I did not have any idea of how to make it, no shops around with such theme and not to mention the rest like, for instance, people telling me I was silly having such ideas and so on, and so on...
But, lucky me, there was internet! Thanks God! There I found it all: ingredients, right quantity measures of oils, water and lye, there I watched people making soaps... And so I could finally start experimenting! My favourite soapmaker of all I’ve found on internet is Amy from GreatCakeSoapworks. I’ve found her accidentally but never stopped following ever since! Thank you Amy! I love your work and your beautiful soaps! Thank you so much!  
And, yes, today I’ve finally made my new soap using apricots and blackberries, it got a little bit messy but I did it. I can’t wait to check how it looks like!